January's Smoke Signal Newsletter



Photo: Jeanne Rana

Dear Lovers of Music & Art, 

:: MUSINGS :: 

There is an art form to reading the signs. Everyone has their own methods, or can develop them. I’ll share with you one of mine (in a very encapsulated form): The Little Bells and The Great Bells. The Little Bells are the bells that ring for you throughout the day. These are the instincts steering you through traffic, meetings, articles to read, who to interact with, landing the ace parking spot, knowing what food your body needs that day, if you need water, if you need to communicate something, where to invest your energies for the day… as it is the collection of small decisions that when zoomed out have formed and informed your ever-evolving big picture. In short the Little Bells navigate you night to night, day to day. 

The Great Bells are not as continuous, but hold quite a bit more revelation. These are the Big Moves. Epiphanies. Sometimes they only show up as glances, or sparks. Sometimes they ring over the entire village of your mind for ten minutes, halting all of your internal industry and play. While taking action on The Great Bells can be denied, their occurrence cannot be denied. You definitely Just - Felt - That. The Great Bells can seem far-fetched. Crazy. Not doable. Disruptive. Absurd to follow through on. A pipe dream. Ahhhh, but this is generally when they are signposting to a most amazing turn in your life. This is a sacred triangle where the Imagination meets Action, and the Unknown - a power-precipice that leads to new invention, unheard of adventures, and a most insanely great turn in your life which you were not anticipating. 


The Bells are gold, copper and bronze, all mined from your psyche. Their shape and tone is specific to you. They ring to celebrate you. To warn you, guide you, wake you up and calm you. Their resonance extends ripple after ripple after ripple. 

Indeed, there is an art form to reading the signs. Listen. Remain engaged, focused, strong …yet un-calcified. 

You only know - if you go. 






This month I have been greatly honored by receiving these two awards. The voting went on for a month across many borders. Sincere appreciation to all who took part in this and voted. This is off the hook, and wonderful. Again, I am honored to have felt this flood of artistic support from the musical community. Special thanks to GSMC and congratulations to all who were nominated and selected. 

Currently I am in South East Asia creating a new line of silver jewelry, designing clothing prototypes and writing material for the sixth record. There will be much to share with you all as the fruits of this journey materialize. 


©2017 Corinne West 


:: SHOWS :: 

Folk Alliance: Next on the performance front: I will be showcasing at the International Folk Alliance Conference February 15th - 19th in Kansas City, MO. I will perform 7-8 unofficial short showcases, accompanied by Ms. Dirje Childs on the cello. 

The Yew Tree UK Tour - 2017: Coming up this Spring is a return to the beautiful United Kingdom. Dates are set in Wales, England and Scotland, with more to be announced. Please see the tour page  for details. I am greatly looking forward to this… 

That is all for now good people. 

The bells are ringing, warm and bright - warm and bright… 


Join me on Faceplant, InstagramTwitter - and all that jazz.

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