Equinox Smoke Signal from Corinne West



Dear Music Lovers, 

:: MUSINGS :: 

Oh Mighty Sun 
my stinging favorite 
central celestial star 
you continue to hover and burn 
from a power i can name 
yet not understand 

Mysteriously succinct 
i know you today in perfect timing 
your light balanced 

All the while 
i endlessly spin 
around and around 
and around you 
in absentminded 

term stemming from Latin roots 
meaning “equal night” 

Harvest time 
Northern Hemisphere sweeps in motion 
prepare for the cold 
warm your heart 
your home 
your loved ones 
regarding undeniably 
the blessed 
Earth beneath you 

©2017 Corinne West 

Artwork by Christian Schloevery. Discover him here. 



When was the last time you sent someone a note in the mail? I always appreciate something handwritten. Should this idea entice you this Halloween season, I have just the thing. Below you will find images of post cards and folding cards… a bit on the eccentric and pop art side of the spectrum. Consider sending an original artwork card from an artist you dig, penned by your own hand, in your own delightful language. Why not? This is an affordable and beautifully personal way to connect. I hope you enjoy the artworks. (All of the images are links to acquire the cards… just click.) 



"JUMPIN' JACK FLASH" Pop Art Post Cards ~ Set of 10 


"BONE CHILDREN" Original linen art cards. Set of 6 - blank inside. 
Detail from rolled ink & stamped original. 
(Watermark does not appear on the cards) 


Perhaps you like the idea of gifting someone an original piece of art? This piece below, 
"JUMPIN' JACK & THE FOXGLOVE COWBOY" is a framed whimsical original. 
This is a one of a kind. ( 1/1 ) 



(The image above is a link. Simply scroll down through the monoprints to find this piece.) 


:: MUSIC :: 

While I have taken a break from heavy touring, I have not taken a break from writing. My hands and psyche are busy in the studio writing the next record, which is turning out to be a multi-dimensional project. More on that soon. This will be a big, beautiful project. 


:: HUMOR :: 

I have started a new book. I only read it at night. Outside. Under street lamps. Alone.  
So far, it's pretty good... 



That is all for now good people. Feel free to email with questions or custom orders at the center of the West. Micah will assist you, or get a message through. (Email: micah@corinnewest.com) 

Shine through the storm, 


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